Intellectual Property Protection in the U.S. Software Industry
National Academies Press
Bluebook cite
Stewart J. H. Graham & David C. Mowery, Intellectual Property Protection in the U.S. Software Industry , in PATENTS IN THE KNOWLEDGE -BASED ECONOMY 219 (Wesley M. Cohen & Stephen A. Merrill eds., 2003)
Examines the history of the US software industry in relation to the way IP rights have changed over the same time period. The chapter also examines data from the 1980s and 1990s to better understand packed software firm and large firm patenting behavior. "Propensity to patent" (patents/R&D dollar) is used to show the changing importance of patenting to the firms studied.
Excerpts and Summaries
Thursday 04 of June, 2009 20:38:27 GMT by Unknown
Sunday 23 of January, 2011 22:12:59 GMT by Michael Risch