- Name
- 'Medimmune' Ruling
- Cite
- 2/19/2007 NLJ 13 (Col. 1)
- Year
- 2007
- Bluebook cite
- Lewis R. Clayton, 'Medimmune' Ruling, 2/19/2007 Nat'l L.J. 13, (Col. 1) (2007).
- Author
- Lewis R. Clayton
- Author also suggests that the patent's validity on its face may influence whether restrictions should be enforced. "An agreement licensing a well-accepted patent, signed after intense study and negotiation between sophisticated, well-represented parties may be on a different footing from other licenses."
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- Discussion of the implications of the Medimmune ruling. Including provisions which discourage challenges to patent validity which survive Lear/Medimmune.
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Thursday 13 of November, 2008 23:11:50 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Thursday 13 of November, 2008 23:21:32 GMT
by Unknown
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