- Name
- Competition Policy and the Incentive to Innovate: The Dynamic Effects of Microsoft V. Commission
- Cite
- Year
- 2008
- Bluebook cite
- Spulber, Daniel F., "Competition Policy and the Incentive to Innovate: The Dynamic Effects of Microsoft V. Commission" (February 2008). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1146451
- Author
- Daniel F. Spulber
- http://ssrn.com/abstract=1146451
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- Author argues that the Microsoft ruling poses a significant risk to the incentive to innovate
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Thursday 26 of June, 2008 17:33:08 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Thursday 26 of June, 2008 17:33:08 GMT
by Unknown
The original document is available at