- Name
- Evolution of the Claims of U.S. Patents (pt. 1)
- Cite
- 20 J. PAT. OFF. SOC’Y 134
- Year
- 1938
- Bluebook cite
- Karl B. Lutz, Evolution of the Claims of U.S. Patents (pt. 1), 20 J. PAT. OFF. SOC’Y 134, 139-41 (1938)
- Author
- Karl B. Lutz
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- Applicants must distinguish the old from the new for a valid patent on an improvement. In the specification, the machine may be described in its entirety, but the applicant must then specifically distinguish what is new in his machine (i.e. what he is claiming).
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Friday 06 of January, 2012 16:06:12 GMT
by creilly1
- LastModif
- Friday 06 of January, 2012 16:06:12 GMT
by creilly1
The original document is available at